Home Oulun OmavarastoRent nowOulun OmavarastoRent now TARJOAMME Affordable and flexible rental. Warehouse rental is determined by size. Leases are not tied to calendar months. Warm, dry and controlled spaces. The warehouse hotel features reliable security systems. Your property is safe. Varastokoot 1-15 m² The warehouse space can be utilized efficiently when the goods are effectively packaged. Liikut helposti mobiilisovelluksella Varastotilaan on vapaa pääsy omalla mobiilisovelluksella tai kulkutunnuksella myös iltaisin ja viikonloppuisin klo 6-23. By car you can get directly to the indoor. Indoor you can drive by car or vans. You are using transport trolleys to help you load your goods. Businesses have logistic services. We provide the representatives of companies with goods picking service in their own warehouse. Henkilokohtaiset tavarat Estates (give yourself time to sort after the property is sold) Seasonal equipment stored during the off-season, such as snow blower (stored in summer), or a lawnmower (stored in winter). Large and small business inventory Materials and tools for contractors And everything else that must be kept in a good safe place ESIMERKKI VARASTOISTA 2m2 Esim. 1 h+kkvain 59€/kk Vuokraus 4m2 Esim. 1-2h+kvain 110€/kk Vuokraus 6m2 Esim. 2-3h+kvain 150€/kk Vuokraus 8m2 Esim. 3-4h+kvain 188€/kk Vuokraus Katso Kaikki varastokoot. Tarvittaessa ole yhteydessä 044 7362801 tai info@oulunomavarasto.fi